To estimate the prospects of central air conditioning systems market development one should have a look at the whole climate industry structure and its trends.
To estimate the prospects of central air conditioning systems market development one should have a look at the whole climate industry structure and its trends.
It is difficult to make statements about what is likely to happen. Especially it relates to climate business. Everyone knows that unlike most other economy branches this business segment depends not only on objective factors but also on the weather that can not be forecasted for more than 10 days yet.
The climate market players faced with a problem of ACU sales last autumn. Because of the cold summer they happened to be significantly lower as it was expected.
Before the beginning of 2003 season all the climate equipment market players were unanimous in forecasting this market growth. Indeed, a number of objective reasons made them to expect good results.
People believe that the first Inverter Type Split System was invented by Toshiba Co. in 1981. After that practically every leading Japanese company introduced this type system within 2-3 years.