Russian electrical heating equipment market has been rapidly developing since 1998 – a year of economic crisis. This market capacity has practically 5 times grown for the last three seasons.
Russian electrical heating equipment market has been rapidly developing since 1998 – a year of economic crisis. This market capacity has practically 5 times grown for the last three seasons.
World Splits, Window and Mobile ACU market has grown more than by 67% and amounted to 43,5 mln units in 2001. As shown in the picture the key consumer of climate equipment is Pacific region where 73% sales account for Japan, USA and China.
Boiler units output in Russia has practically halved since the end of 80-s. Many people are inclined to explain this by domination of imported equipment.
People believe that the first Inverter Type Split System was invented by Toshiba Co. in 1981. After that practically every leading Japanese company introduced this type system within 2-3 years.
Following the climate equipment market development in the countries, that have been actively consuming air conditioners within the last 20-25 years only, one can see a clear tendency.
Generally, the former USSR republics had great interest in information about each other business development and dissolution of the USSR even stimulated this interest at present. Climatic equipment manufacturers and sellers are no exception here – neighbour countries’ markets are of great interest for them. At the first glance there are a lot of differences, however, at close examination of situation we can recognize very interesting parallels.